Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)

BSC: Learning and growth

Employees are the first customers of a company: the Balanced Scorecard helps you improve their performances thanks to their approval and their continuous training. This is the learning and growth perspective.

We've arrived to talk about the learning and growth perspective of a Balanced Scorecard.

BSC processi di apprendimento e di crescita

This point of view, like the others seen till now, have been particularly revolutionary because it started considering employees and their welfare, as well as their continuous updating on the news about their role in the company.

Once and, in certain realities, still nowadays, employees are seen as a resource that have to be productive in every circumstances considering that they are paid. The truth is that money isn't everything: employees of a company deserve respect, deserve to being listen and the possibility to keep learning and improve their performances.

Sadly some entrepreneurs and managers don't understand that, if a company isn't healthy this could be possibly because the employees aren't happy. Today in fact, people happy to work for a certain company, beside doing their work better, contribute to give a positive image of the brand and make it stronger.

The BSC helps reaching and keeping employee's welfare (and consequently the well-being of the company) thanks to the constant updating and the increasing of their know-how. Let's see how.

Let's talk about welfare in first place. There are lots of signals that makes you understand if an employee isn't 100% satisfied: maybe he could take two weeks to finish a job that usually can be completed in one, or he could have done it with a lower quality than usual. The unwinding time and the quality of the finished work could be of the first KPI to consider.

Once identified the interested person, the manager has the task to inquire about the reasons why the job hadn't been done perfectly: it's here that comes the listening skills. The reason could be inherent to the company or personal.

On the contrary, it may happen that a person is assigned to a role for which he is not good at or that isn't challenging for him: in this case, the entrepreneur should try to figure out how to make more significant that role or give the person in question tasks that are more in line with its capabilities. Therefore enter the game the ability to understanding.

If a person instead achieves excellent results, the employer may decide to reward him so as to encourage its future commitment, demonstrating respect and trust in the employee.

If then the negative performances of the worker did not depend on his state of malaise but some shortcomings due to the continuous changes taking place today in any industry, the entrepreneur could finance the employee refresher courses, helping him in his personal and professional growth.

The strength point of the perspective of learning and growth is therefore to help you understanding your employees in depth, giving you a yardstick for their performances and letting you quickly understand what to do to improve them or keep them in excellent condition.

I will not dwell on metrics to consider: we talked about quality and time taken to do the job but, depending on the sector in which your company and the position held by the employee in question, you will need to identify the KPIs that best suit to your situation.

What do you think about this perspective? How do you usually behave when an employee doesn't do its job in the best way possible? Do you think that using the BSC could improve your company? Let us Know in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading the article.

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