Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)

Corporate blog: 5 reasons to have one

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A corporate blog requires a lot of time, resources and patience because it usually takes several months before the first successes appear. By the time it does, you will have already invested a lot. The risk? Without a strategy, your company blog can quickly become a failure: your content will not be found, your readers will lose interest and all the work you have done is in danger of being lost.

So why should companies write a blog? We have summarised the 5 most important reasons, including reach, brand awareness, lead generation and more.


1) You position yourself online as an expert in your field.

Every company is unique. The successful ones have distinguished themselves from their competitors with something special, such as the best products or services, high quality, years of experience or unique skills. Maybe your company already has this reputation in a certain area and/or industry or maybe it is exactly what you aspire to?

To achieve this goal online and also to be considered an expert in your field, the corporate blog is a promising medium. You can regularly present your professional industry knowledge in high-quality blog articles. With the help of search engine optimisation, you can respond specifically to the interests and problems of your target group.


2) You generate reach with the corporate blog.

It does not matter whether you publish a new web page, a landing page or a blog post. For search engines, it is new and updated content that can be indexed and populated with traffic.

The corporate blog has a lot of potential to increase your reach. On the one hand, a lot of content is usually published here on a regular basis, because a good blog post comprises between 600-1500 words that are published once a week or even more often. On the other hand, blog posts can be optimised for search engines, specific questions can be answered and problems solved and thus increase tracking.

In terms of length, articles with less than 600 words are too short to drive website traffic or influence SEO, whereas articles with 1500-2500 words are considered perfect for Google because the search engine likes longer publications.


3) Qualified leads are generated through the company blog.

Content marketing pursues clearly defined objectives. One of these is lead generation, which becomes the core of a campaign, especially in inbound marketing. You receive a qualified lead when a potential customer leaves his contact details because he is interested in one of your offers and, for example, downloads an offered content or asks for a telephone appointment. A sales representative can then contact them and, in the best case, close the sale.

With high-quality, relevant and unique content on your company blog, you arouse the reader's interest. If he or she is convinced and wants to know more, then you have generated a qualified lead.


4) Deepen customer relations

Purchasing behaviour has changed considerably. Many customers find out about online content in detail even before the first contact. In October 2021, Audiweb recorded 41.2 million unique monthly Italian users in the search engine category and 36 million Italians active online on a daily basis.

These statistics show us that with relevant content on your company blog, you draw attention to yourself when searching for information. In the best case, you directly solve a searcher's problem and lead them to further action, for example:

  • Download a document → lead generation

  • Click on your website → get to know your brand and your products or services

  • Subscribe to the newsletter → a long-term interest

  • Share your blog post on other channels → increase traffic and brand awareness

Whether new or existing readers - with relevant and useful content on the company blog, you deepen your long-term customer relationship.

5) Strengthen your brand

On the one hand, brand experience is a relevant SEO factor, on the other hand, the online world has a high potential for your brand. Therefore, a corporate blog can strengthen your brand in various ways. In addition to textual content, the structure of the blog page and visual content such as images, graphics or videos are also important.


Conclusion: a corporate blog is useful

If you are hesitant about starting a company blog, it is understandable. Indeed, it would make little sense for a company to write a blog without pursuing a convincing strategy. So take the time to plan and get advice on how best to integrate a corporate blog. With a clear objective and good planning, your company blog has a good chance of becoming a success in generating leads, brand awareness and increasing reach.

Do you need support in planning and implementing your company blog? Or do you already have a corporate blog but can't find the time to manage it professionally? Contact us, we would be happy to talk to you and together devise winning solutions for your business.