For some years now, social networks have been increasingly present in our lives and are seen by many as a new source of easy money.
But doing business through social media channels is not immediate and requires well studied steps which are necessary for the development of one's communication.
Come far crescere il proprio mercato e tutto quello che sta alle spalle di una creazione efficace del brand?
What is necessary to grow one's market and everything that lays behind an effective brand creation?
Communication strategy as a basis for success
Il primo passo è avere chiara la strategia di comunicazione da seguire. Avere un piano strategico ben definito e ben progettato è la chiave che concorre al successo di un’azienda.
The first step is to have a clear communication strategy to follow. Having a strategic and well-defined plan is key for a company's success.
This initial phase is articulated in three steps:
Definition of realistic and measurable goals;
Reference target identification through segmentation techniques and the creation of Buyer Personas;
Have a clear understanding of the message upon which communication will be based;
The in depth analysis of these three steps will allow the creation of value and the reaching of predetermined goals. In this context, social media marketing creates conversations and affinity with the audience.

What makes a good social strategy?
A good strategy focused on social networks certainly creates brand visibility within the digital market, increases brand reputation, clients and consequently revenue.
Using a specially designed strategy, three main factors are created:
Engagement: consists of actively involving the audience in order to create strong bonds between the brand and its possible customers;
Social sharing: content published by the company is shared by users. What becomes important is the emotional impact that is created and, as Google's Abigail Posner points out, when we share a video or an image, we are not just sharing the object, but we are sharing above all the emotional response it creates;
Social caring: this is the term used by communication professionals to understand how the brand interacts and takes care of its social channels. Through social caring, the customer receives assistance and support before, during and after the purchase of the product or service.
Come abbiamo visto le azioni da svolgere per raggiungere gli obiettivi di vendita sono diversi. Necessitano di accurata riflessione, analisi e costanza.
As we have seen, there are several actions to be taken in order to reach sales target.
Contact us to request information, we are always at your disposal.