Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)

Key factors to consider when choosing custom software

custom software


Over the last years, the development of customised software has become extremely popular to satisfy both individual company needs and those of the market. Initially, the usage of software was associated with higher costs and risks, but in the meantime, the situation has changed in relation to the benefits and costs calculations. Furthermore, there are several ways to develop a custom program or software. If you're pondering whether to follow the custom path or not, this article will give you an overview of the development of custom software applications.


What is the purpose of custom software?

Every company has specific necessities, processes and advantages. Sometimes, a custom software solution can be useful. This can be adapted to specific requirements and aims to optimise business processes as well as support staff efficiently. When you choose between standard software and custom software, it is important to value thoroughly both individual needs and costs-benefits.

Custom software makes work easier and more efficient. It takes into consideration your vision and long-term goals, guaranteeing an optimal solution from the beginning. Whether it is a big company or an enterprise one, the development of custom business software brings long-term benefits.

Custom software development digitises a company and optimises business processes in several areas, such as order management, client communication, inventory management and much more. This flexibility allows you to continuously expand your software solution, adapting it to new requirements.


Why use customised software in your company?

  1. Data control: with custom software solutions the company has full control over its data. You decide how data is stored, managed and protected. On the contrary, with standard software, data ownership can be up to the supplier, which in turn raises concerns in relation to data security. 
  2. No compromise: custom software offers the perfect solution without compromises or extra integrations. It's tailor-made for your company and unique. 
  3. Integrations: custom software solutions allow you to avoid problems related to the integration of various systems (e.g. accounting systems, human resources, production, CRM) and improve the software's adaptability. This way, everything is connected without problems and you can integrate your custom software with all the systems used and necessary for the company.
  4. Competitive advantage: a custom software's uniqueness allows for rapid actions, increases employees' productivity and saves time and money. Custom software guarantees high efficiency.
  5. No licence fees: unlike standard software, customised software development eliminates recurring licence costs.
  6. Scalable: customised software offers a high degree of flexibility to successfully manage future company growth and changes. It can be easily adapted to your specific needs, either by reducing or increasing functionality.
  7. Increased efficiency: intelligent process automation automates repetitive tasks, saving time and human resources.
  8. Long-term cost savings: A durable and controlled system offers significant cost savings through increased efficiency in business process management.


Custom software is developed according to your needs and requirements. Contrary to standard solutions, there are no restrictions and you receive a product that perfectly matches your wishes. Also, custom software development allows for future extensions and adjustments to meet new requirements. 


What disadvantages can custom software development have?

A custom software solution that has been adapted to your needs might be more expensive than standard software. However, if you consider the long term, the return on investment is significantly higher as opposed to standard software, besides increasing your employees efficiency and productivity.

Custom software development requires time and skills. It is necessary to clearly communicate your requirements so that the software company can implement them. It's an investment for the future, as the software company maps your processes, develops, tests, and optimises the software and suggests improvements.

A custom software solution cannot be tested in advance or evaluated according to product reviews. Instead, inquire about the development company and ask for references for similar projects. Make sure that the developers are able to create stable software of high quality according to your needs.

Tip: aim for efficient software development with the Agile methodology. Make sure you work with agile development methods, such as the Scrum process model, to regularly check the progress of your custom software during meetings. We at DevInterface implement exactly this methodology. Indeed, once we've defined the project, we divide it into specific phases called sprints, which last for two to three weeks. Each sprint has its development priorities and goals that must be realized within the end of the sprint. At the end of every sprint we make a sprint review/retrospective to verify the quality of the work done so far and to program future sprints. An approach like this allows to promptly determine if the project is developing in a different direction from the desired one and consequentily react, offering maximum flexibility and guaranteeing an efficient and goal-oriented software development. 



The decision to develop customised software is of great importance. It is an essential factor for growth and long-term stability. Companies on the road to digitisation increasingly rely on customised software solutions to manage their complex internal systems. In this context, the experience and market knowledge of the development team are crucial.

Our team consists of experts in customised software development who have already developed a wide range of solutions for companies. If you are interested in a software solution to improve your business processes and increase staff productivity, do not hesitate to contact us and tell us about your project.