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SCRUM Sprinting: execution, revision and retrospective

During a sprint the SCRUM team must be able to execute its activities in the pre-established times through three phases: Daily SCRUM, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective.

Last time we talked about SCRUM we've explained how the Sprint planning works. We said that once the team has defined the tasks' quantity it can complete during a Sprint and the means to complete each objective it must take action. 

A good organisation is therefore a must, otherwise the team won't be able to meet the deadlines. So how should the team act? In short here are three fundamental Sprint phases.


During a sprint the team decides to establish daily meetings of 15 minutes with all team members to synchronise the activities and create a plan for the following 24 hours. This reviews the work performed since the last Daily SCRUM (What did I do yesterday to help the developers team reaching the Sprint objective?), you anticipate what you will be able to do by the next meeting (What will I do today to help the development team achieve the Sprint target?) and share any problems encountered (Is there anything preventing the team from achieving the Sprint target?). 

By maintaining daily consistency, the team is able to estimate periodic progress towards the goal.

The SCRUM Master has the role of interrupting the meeting after the end of the 15 minutes to optimise time and instruct team members to explain themselves in a simple and clear way. 


Sprint Review

The final Sprint revision is a four-hour informal meeting at which following figures participate: the members of the developer team, the product owner and the SCRUM master. In case of a monthly sprint, if the sprint lasts less the revision is shorter. Revision happens at the end of the Sprint, and it covers many topics:

  • Which task have been completed and which not;
  • Which problems has the team encountered and how they solved them;
  • Product owner's doubts are addressed;
  • Priorities are revised in line of market developments;
  • A general budget review is carried out;

The main objective of this phase is to define the tasks for the next sprint. 


Sprint Retrospective

After finishing the revision comes the moment of sprint retrospective, a three-hour meeting that precedes the planning of a new sprint and includes the participation of the SCRUM Master and the developers team members. The aim is to continuously enhance performances: it's an occasion for the SCRUM team to deeply inspect what did not work and find solutions or understand what functions well and repeat it, perhaps in an enhanced manner, during the next sprint.

At the end of this phase the team will have new solutions to increase the product's quality. 

What's your opinion regarding the SCRUM framework? Do you think of it as a valid method for work optimisation and transparency towards clients or do you prefer "traditional" models? Let us know in the comments!

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