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What is the software development life cycle (SDLC) and why is it so important?

software development life cycle (SDLC)


The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a process of planning, building, testing and deploying information systems using hardware and software. SDLC helps to measure and improve a process that allows software development to be analysed at every stage.

Most of the SDLC models are based on following phases:

  1. Planning and analysis
  2. Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing
  5. Implementation
  6. Maintenance

In our article we are going to explore SDLC and elaborate on why it is so important.


Why is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) so important?

By defining and executing the different phases of the software development life cycle, the quality of the software product can be improved, while reducing development and implementation time, which in turn affects the overall cost.

SDLC affects the software development process in following ways:

  • Management with more visibility and control.
  • Documentation improvement.
  • The software goal is clarified in advance by all parties involved. A roadmap for the objective is created.
  • All stakeholders can contribute to the software development life cycle.
  • Developers have a clear understanding of what they have to create and why.
  • All stakeholders are aware of and agree on the allocation of resources to achieve the objective.


The seven phases of the SDLC

A modern SDLC consists of seven primary steps, which can be subdivided into smaller units. For example, planning can be divided into technical analysis, market research, etc. Other phases may also merge into each other. Testing can be performed in parallel with development, as developers must resolve bugs discovered during testing.


1) Planning

The first step the development team must take before even starting to write the code is to gather all the functional requirements to determine the scope of work and the total cost of the project. Within this process, labour and material costs are calculated, a schedule with objectives is created and teams and leadership structures are formed for the project.

This stage outlines how the team will work and providing the tools and resources needed to develop the software efficiently. In addition, it prevents the project from prolonging or straying from the initially set objectives.


2) Requirements Analysis 

This phase is of special importance because it is here that all requirements are defined. At the very end the team knows exactly what the software must do and what features it must contain. Furthermore, it is of crucial importance because it allows the developers to know all the possible obstacles that the project may encounter along the way.

Once the requirements are understood, a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document is drafted. For developers, it is important to follow the specifications in this document and for the customer to check the SRS document for future reference.


3) Design and prototyping

Design and architecture play a central role in the software development process, regardless of the size of the software to be developed. Most of the SDLC methods attach great importance to this phase, as it determines the appearance of the application and its end-user reliability. At this stage, the team thinks about the following aspects:

  • UI of the future application
  • The programming language, libraries and frameworks that can be used during the coding phase
  • Security measures to protect user data
  • The platform on which the software/application will be hosted


4) Implementation

This is where the development process itself begins. A relatively small project may be written by a couple of developers, but a complex project can involve several departments.

In addition to coding, there is much more work to be done. Finding and fixing bugs and problems is particularly critical. Some activities, such as test results or compiling code to run an application, delay the development process. The SDLC can anticipate these delays so that development teams can concentrate on other activities.


5) Testing

No software leaves the development studio without being thoroughly tested. Testing activities are usually included in all phases of modern SDLC models, so this phase is usually a subset. However, this phase only focuses on the testing phase of the product, in which bugs are discovered, reported, resolved and retested until the product meets the SRS quality criteria.


6) Distribution

Now is the time to move the software into production, so that users can use it. However, many companies distribute the software in different environments, such as staging or testing areas. In this way, interested parties can safely test the product before it is released on the market. In this way, even the last bugs can be identified before the product is released.


7) Mantainance and support

At this point, the development cycle is practically complete. The application has been completed and is now in use. However, maintenance and support still play an important role. In these phases, users may find bugs that were not discovered during testing. The correction of these bugs can lead to new development cycles.

In addition to bug fixes, iterative development models plan additional functionality for future versions. For each new version, a new development cycle can be started.



To sum up, the software development lifecycle (SDLC) plays a crucial role in creating quality, reliable and functional software. By following the SDLC, companies optimise the development process, reducing risks, improving the quality of the final product and saving valuable time and resources. Moreover, collaboration and communication between different stakeholders is fostered, promoting an efficient and productive working environment.

In this context, DevInterface stands out as an ideal partner to address the software development lifecycle. With our experience and expertise, we are able to guide companies through the different phases of the SDLC, offering customised solutions and high-quality support. Our ability to adapt to different development methodologies and provide strategic consulting enables companies to achieve optimal results during the software development process. Furthermore, our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction makes us a reliable and trusted partner for successful projects. Contact us to discuss your project with no obligation.