Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)


DAApp: a comprehensive tool for dermatology patients complete with profiles, questionnaires, visit and medication tracking, with a user-friendly design.

The client

The Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milano is an excellence in the field of research and treatment of dermatological diseases. With a particular focus on atopic dermatitis, the hospital is committed to improving the lives of patients suffering from this condition through the implementation of innovative solutions.

The objective

The primary objective of the project was to provide atopic dermatitis patients with a digital tool that could help them manage their therapy, especially to those using biological medication. The creation of a mobile app, called 'DAApp', was primarily aimed at facilitating the accurate tracking of treatments and simplifying procedures related to hospital visits.

App Functionality

DAApp offers several crucial functionalities

1) Initial profiling: allowing patients to fill out detailed profiles for a better understanding of their health status and specific needs.

2) Periodic questionnaires: the app prompts patients to complete periodic questionnaires prior to visits, providing medical staff with up-to-date and detailed information on treatment progress.

3) Visit and appointment tracking: offers a system for tracking visits and appointments, providing quick and organised access to related information.

4) Monitoring of medication used: allows patients to record and track medication used, including automatic calculation of quantities needed.

UX/UI design

The user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design process was carefully crafted, including:

  • Low-fidelity user flow design: initial interactions and sketches to outline the flow of the application. This allowed the exploration of different navigation structures and interface layouts to ensure an intuitive logic and smooth flow within the app.
  • High-fidelity user flow design: development of detailed graphical components and interfaces to ensure an intuitive and pleasant user experience with an emphasis on usability and accessibility, ensuring that the interfaces were simple in their use for a wide range of users.


The system was developed using the following technologies:

  • Backend/API: The backend was built using a PostgreSQL database for secure and scalable data management. APIs, developed in NodeJS, enabled efficient communication between the frontend and the database, providing a robust and stable architecture for managing sensitive patient information.
  • Frontend: The team adopted Flutter as the main framework for developing the app's frontend. This approach allowed them to create a responsive, cross-platform user interface, ensuring a seamless experience on both Android and iOS devices. Using Flutter simplified the development process, allowing for greater visual and functional consistency across platforms, minimising development and maintenance time.

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