Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)
illustration web interface elements

5 technologies we are using now

Some technologies that our software house is using more and more often in recent times. Go as a programming language, React as a library, Flutter and Vue.js as a framework and Spree Commerce as an e-commerce platform.

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Group of drawn chatbots

Chatbot: innovative tools for companies

Used by companies to interact with users, very often in the very important first phase of communication, Chatbots are software based on artificial intelligence that simulate conversations within websites, e-commerce and social networks.

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SEO analysis

Point-by-point SEO analysis

SEO analysis is one of the most important activities to do on an ecommerce site. From image optimisation to crawling errors, here is a short useful guide for you.

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tools devinterface cover

Useful tools for a website

For a corporate website to function at its best, it must be integrated into an ecosystem that includes various off-site tools and services. Why? Because these external services can provide data and convey vital information.

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Structomap is back again

Hi everyone. I've updated this library ( created long time ago because it solves a real problem in Go's webservices: to return differ...

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