Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)
elixir lgo

Introduction to Elixir Part 1

Discover Elixir in our new article! We explore the origins, functional programming principles, immutability, pattern matching and the actor model. DevInterface has adopted Elixir for its scalability and reliability. Read more!

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Purple square and yellow three-dimensional sphere on a purple background

The role of geometric shapes in web design

What meaning and, above all, what effects do shapes have in web design? In our article we provide a brief introduction and explain the psychological aspects to be considered when using rectangles, circles, triangles and natural shapes.

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ecommerce psychology

Sales psychology in ecommerce

Explore the powerful impact of psychology in ecommerce and discover how it influences online purchasing decisions. Delve into the psychological strategies used by shops and better understand consumer behaviour.

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tablet with gardening product images

Shopify SEO - Optimise search results for your shop

Learn how to improve the visibility of your online shop with advanced Shopify SEO strategies. Optimise search results, increase qualified traffic and maximise conversions. Follow our expert advice to place your Shopify shop at the top of searches, attract new customers and grow in the world of online commerce.

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Supabase and man touching open source word

A Supabase overview

Learn how Supabase, the powerful open source alternative to Firebase, simplifies app development with a free SQL database and an intuitive interface.

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