Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)

Sviluppo Php

PHP is an interpreted and server-side open source programming language with which to create dynamic web pages.

With PHP you can quickly create backend interfaces optimized for both web and mobile.

We mainly use it to develop server-side web applications and to write command line scripts or stand-alone applications with a graphical interface. 

To understand the potential of a language like PHP it is worth remembering the most famous platforms that use it:

  • Wordpress: the most famous CMS, which allows you to create websites in a few simple steps;
  • Magento: very popular e-commerce CMS, used all over the world;

Here instead we report two important frameworks written in PHP:

  • Laravel: an open source framework with which to develop web applications, has an elegant syntax on its side;
  • Simfony: open source framework that allows the fast development of performing web applications;

Our projects with Php


Web Platform, Website, App Mobile

Creation of the web platform for the important Italian publishing promotion company

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